Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blogger's Block

I guess that's what I've been going through. It's like I WANT to blog about a lot of things but cannot gather my thoughts. I guess that's part of motherhood, right?  Losing the ability to focus?  Mom brain.  At least when it was pregnancy brain, I had the excess blood volume and weird symptoms to blame.  Now I only have exhaustion.

So what's been going on with me?  I work. I eat. I sleep. I take care of Little Man. I walk the dog. Occasionally DH and I will cuddle (or more). But mostly I just have been existing. I feel like I've neglected many of my friends—I know I have—and I'm not really in the mood to get together with anyone. It's like I've done nothing but run around for the last 3 years and I need a break. First marriage plans. Family gatherings. Baby stuff. It's as though I never have a moment to veg out.

And the other big news is that Dude and I are going to move in with my parents—who are building a handicapped accessible master suite on the ground floor of their house—to help take care them.  And they, in turn, are helping US by giving us a stable home and less to pay per month so we can A) pay off our debt and B) save for the future.  We'll be paying them monthly for the work that's being done on the house, but the monthly payment will be around $300 less per month than we're currently paying for rent.  Our costs for utilities will probably remain the same, but we'll save on cable and internet. And by buying in bulk for food, we'll also save money.  Plus my car will be paid off in June of 2011... yes, a year away, but something to look forward to.

It's going to be a huge adjustment. And, perhaps, my thoughts have been so preoccupied by all this entails that it has contributed to my lack of focus. But planning this.  And also planning Little Man's 1st birthday party (in 5 weeks!) and dealing with some health issues (will update later on that) has taken a toll on me.

But Dude and I are doing OK. We're taking a weekend away—even though we cannot afford it—to see his best friend in Virginia this weekend. And since my Nora Roberts' message board gathering is nearby (in Maryland), we're also spending a day for me to catch up with some friends. It'll be good for us.  We're taking Little Man, so please pray for us that he sleeps.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is so hard to have so many huge life changing events happen one right after another; it's like you have no time to take a deep breath and enjoy that one moment.

    You are a strong woman and it sounds like you have a good support network...use them! Remember to take time for yourself, take a step back, if you can, and just enjoy all of you being together.
